Welcome to the Austin Association for Financial Professionals

The Austin Association for Financial Professionals (AAFP) is a non-profit organization created for the purpose of providing and maintaining a forum for the active and open exchange of ideas, concepts and techniques related to the rapidly changing field of cash and treasury management. Austin AFP strives to educate our members, associates and guests by holding seven meetings per year, generally on Wednesdays or Thursdays and include lunch or dinner, an educational program and time for networking with fellow members.

Educational programs cover a range of treasury and finance topics including government regulations, cash collection and disbursement, fraud issues, bank products and services, investment strategies, foreign exchange, economic trends and issues and risk management.

Benefits of Membership community


Austin Association for Financial Professionals (AAFP) is your professional society.  Access the network of treasury and finance professionals to network, hear new ideas and solve problems.


AAFP’s multiple professional development resources and affiliations, keep you up-to-date in the profession and help guide you throughout your career. 


 AAFP publishes online member polls and links to treasury and finance articles from  AFP's magazines and newsletters, research reports and conference session presentations to keep you current on the latest trends and issues that matter to you.  


If you have any questions about member benefits or joining AAFP please contact Anita Trapp, Vice President of Membership, at [email protected].


 Annual TEXPO Conference

TEXPO® is a financial management conference sponsored by the Alliance of Texas Treasury Associations (ATTA), a non-profit organization that brings together the five Texas  regional Association for Financial Professional affiliates – Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. 

ATTA is dedicated to improving financial and treasury management through education and communication. 

The hosting of TEXPO® rotates between the Texas regional associations.  TEXPO® provides CTP/CCM, FP&A and CPE credits, along with required credits for the Government Treasurers Organization of Texas (GTOT).

 TEXPO® draws attendees from across the country and is widely recognized as one of the leading financial management conferences in the nation.
TEXPO 2025 graphic

Go to http://texpoconference.org for details